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    Blog by Toby Brown

    Creating the coolest places in Manchester

    01 June 2020

    It was a joy to read the latest issue of Conde Nast Traveller thanks to a great feature on the coolest neighbourhoods in the UK – with New Islington and Ancoats making the list.

    The full article (which you can read here), gives a rundown of all the great things that have happened in the neighbouring communities – a far cry from what they used to be.

    New Islington Marina in Manchester

    It leads with a quote from techno DJ Derrick May; in the city in the 1990s to play a set at Sankey’s nightclub in Ancoats (somewhere now known as Beehive Mill which we’ve transformed into workspaces and a home for the Prince’s Trust), Derrick declared it was “more fucked up than Detroit”.

    Beehive Mill in Ancoats, Manchester

    Fast forward two decades and New Islington and Ancoats are the best places to live in Manchester; an OFSTED outstanding school, connections and an abundance of urban outdoor space at Cotton Field Park and New Islington Marina.

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