Happy hour and happy tenants; a night of fun at our Vanilla Factory
This week, we hosted our first happy hour event for businesses in our Vanilla Factory and Tea Factory buildings in Liverpool’s Ropewalks.
The event was the culmination of a programme of investment into both buildings, which has created new spaces, an urban garden, coffee shop, improved amenities and – a cool breakout space – which is where we held our event. Our tenants were all treated to drinks (the Prosecco and beer seemed to go down well!) and a range of nibbles after work. We wanted to bring everyone in the Ropewalks commercial community to come together and get to know each other – perhaps making a useful contact or two in the process!

Though any new friendships were tested on the night as everyone got rather competitive as we hosted ping pong, beer pong, Connect 4 and giant Jenga knockouts.

All in all it was a great fun, a great turn – and we hope the first of many events of this type! Keep an eye on our calendar as we get the next date booked in. We’re hoping it’ll be a Christmas event with everyone’s favourite mulled wine, Christmas tunes and of course a cheesy Christmas jumper or two.
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