My interview with Property Week
I recently met with Helen Crane from Property Week for a catch up and a chance for me to tell her all about our plans.

It outlined how we are “ready to challenge perception” with House as “one of the first developers to launch a major push into modular construction”; it stated that the concept is “making waves in the property industry”.

It also gave me a chance to talk about our plans to turn the Office Village in Salford Quays into the Boat Shed. A “creative and ambitious” vision which allows us to take on the last bastion of building types; we’ve done Georgian buildings, we’ve done Victorian buildings, we’ve done Art Deco buildings, we’ve done concrete 1960s buildings and this is one of those ugly 1990s office - for which we’re taking inspiration from Berlin artist studios to make it a much more funky office space.

You can read the full article here