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    • People of Park Hill: Julie Bickerstaffe - Resident

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    Blog by Mark Latham

    People of Park Hill: Julie Bickerstaffe - Resident

    20 June 2022
    A 2 minute read by Mark Latham

    Julie has been living at Park Hill for 8 years - making a major lifestyle change downsizing from a large house in Ranmoor - a leafy suburb of Sheffield to her flat and now home.

    At the same time she set up her beauty salon on the west side of Sheffield and started doing yoga.

    I adored it from the day I came. I work hard and this is my sanctuary. It’s about meeting people and I’ve met some lovely people. Tom and Ola who also live here have been so supportive and kind and we have impromptu get togethers.

    I love the herb garden here by the table tennis table - I feel it symbolises the community aspect here - it wasn’t something I bought into before I came here.

    Julie practising yoga at Park Hill in Sheffield

    I do yoga everyday early - I can see the landscape and design and natural light in the flat is perfect. I like my own space but living here I feel a real sense of belonging and a wonderful communal energy.

    This summer I plan to travel in a van and I know I can lock my door here and come back 3 months later and still feel safe and at home.

    Julie at Park Hill in Sheffield

    Julie is now looking to run yoga sessions free for other residents to share the benefit she has felt through regular sessions.

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