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    Blog by Suzy Jones

    The Bloxham Foundation Trust Award

    27 August 2024
    A 3 minute read by Suzy Jones

    For more than 30 years Urban Splash has added value to unloved and disused places, investing in great design to create the communities of the future.

    Our Chairman Tom Bloxham MBE has been at the helm during that time, and – testament to the work he and Urban Splash have accomplished over three decades – Tom loaned his name and our Urban Splash expertise to a new prize for innovation – the Bloxham Foundation Trust Award.

    The prize was presented by our director of future Suzy Jones who in this article, tells us more.

    The inaugural Bloxham Foundation Trust Award for Design Innovation took place in Manchester last month, part of the Manchester School of Architecture (MSA) Practice Preview Event.

    The MSA is a fantastic organisation and one we are proud to work closely with. Ranked fifth in the world for architecture, the school boasts more than 1,000 students from over 80 countries producing creative, challenging and academically rigorous work and research in the heart of Manchester. And it counts our Chairman Tom Bloxham among its visiting professors.

    Project by MMU student Zhouran - Bloxham Foundation Trust Award winner 2024

    To now go even further and support this prize is an honour for us. The award recognises an exhibition by students on the MA Architecture and Urbanism course at the University’s Chatham Building with first, second and third place awards announced at the event.

    The winner was MMU student Zhouran, who was chosen from an impressive shortlist that saw projects drawn from Dwelling and Urbanism, Prototype Urbanism, Landscape Urbanism, Contextual Urbanism and Cooperative Urbanism. Second place went to fellow student Huchen, with third place awarded to a student named Pragya.

    After the event Zhouran shared with us just what this accolade means to him saying it is “a great encouragement for young architecture students”, adding: “The construction industry is not an easy job, and all kinds of difficulties will make young students doubt themselves, and even maybe give up. But thanks to donor-funded prizes, we young students have gained the confidence and courage to carry on.”

    Bloxham Foundation Trust Award winners 2024

    Runner up Huchen also said that the prize is “a significant encouragement and motivation”. Huchen went on to say “It inspires me to continue pursuing excellence in the path of architecture and urban planning, constantly exploring and innovating, and contributing to creating more liveable and meaningful urban spaces. I would like to express my gratitude to The Bloxham Charitable Trust for their support, as well as to all the members of the judging panel for their recognition and encouragement! I understand that without the support of The Bloxham Charitable Trust, such opportunities might not be easily accessible. I cherish this honour deeply and will work even harder to live up to expectations.”

    Bloxham Foundation Trust Award winners 2024

    While third place recipient Pragya concluded that: “Receiving the Urban Splash Award for Design Innovation has been a pivotal moment in my academic journey. It significantly boosted my confidence, affirming my decision to pursue a master's degree in Architecture and Urbanism. The award not only brought pride to my family but also underscored the invaluable support from my tutors. It highlighted the importance of recognising and nurturing talent from diverse backgrounds. This recognition has motivated me to continue striving for excellence and has made me more determined to contribute positively to my community. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and the positive impact it has had on my life.”

    Along with all colleagues at Urban Splash, I’m so thrilled that we’ve had the opportunity to be involved and celebrate the students’ successes. This award money will really make a difference to the individuals’ learning experience and I’m proud to have supported the prize and the talented architects of the future – many of whom I look forward to working with on Urban Splash projects in the years to come.

    You can read more about the MSA in our recent interview with the head of the school Professor Kevin Singh.

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