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    Northstowe Phase 2a

    Public Consultation

    Join us for a public exhibition being held on 9 July from 2 — 7pm at The Pathfinder Primary School Northstowe.

    In January 2019, Homes England selected Urban Splash as its developer partner to deliver this phase. We have been working on our proposals since then and are now ready to share our ideas and hear your views before we finalise the design and make a formal planning application in early Autumn.

    Consisting of 406 homes – a mix of houses and apartments for sale, affordable rent and later living – it is the first residential area to be built on Homes England land within Phase 2, following the current construction of the new secondary school campus and the earlier phases of new homes in Phase 1 to the north.

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    We have ambitious plans to make this an exemplar new neighbourhood using the latest modern methods of construction, high sustainability credentials and a strong design and placemaking approach, and look forward to hearing what you think.

    Northstowe Masterplan

    Northstowe - South

    Northstowe - East

    Urban Splash welcomes you to a public exhibition being held on the 9th July between 2pm and 7pm at the Community Wing of the Pathfinder school at Northstowe. Members of the project team will be available to answer questions and you can provide feedback on the proposals and take a look at our masterplan.

    If you can't make the exhibition but wish to provide feedback, you can do so via our online survey.